Tiger Growth Forum 台荷成長論壇#10
1.5-hour Webinar in Mandarin
(2020/7/8, Wednesday, 16:00TW / 10:00 CET)
Get funded and get along with your international investors successfully
From understanding your investors to your own basic homework.
Challenges and opportunities for Taiwanese Medtech companies in the Covid-19 era.
Your innovation roadmap toward international VC!
The trend of digitalization in Medtech and Telemedicine is robustly booming due to the Covid-19 pandemic, though staggered by regulation and insurance coverage previously. So is the trend of VC investment. Taiwan well battles the pandemic and brings in light its strength in Medtech. The chance that international VCs based in Asia would be attracted by Taiwan’s Medtech startups is at all-time high. However, are you ready for this trend? Why you need international investors? What and how you should prepare yourself to grab the opportunity? Chance favors the prepared mind.
Covid-19 流行何時能有效控制未有定論,然而人類的生活方式已必然改變,尤其數位化及遠距相關的科技發展將快速進展。之前歐美各國雖看此趨勢,但礙於醫療預算排擠問題,市場化速度未如預期。疫情已迫使各國優化數位化醫療的使用及給付,新創投資的方向必然轉趨同向。中國原為國際創投的投資聚焦中心,然而美國已率先表態去中國化,歐美各國在疫情中受害於醫療物資庫存不足,也促使歐美各國將更重視中國以外的醫療科技。
台灣在此疫情中表現優異,醫療科技亦備受肯定,從中國轉向的國際創投資金是否因此青睞台灣科技新創公司? 台灣科技新創公司之前並非沒有受到國際創投青睞的案例,但卻只有鳳毛麟角。檢視這些案例,未受國際創投青睞台灣科技新創公司並非技術不足,而是募資準備國際化程度不足。但國際創投和台灣創投有何不同? 為何你需要國際投資人? 你該如何抓住這個機運趨勢? 機會是留給準備好的人!
Register here to get the first-hand experiences and knowledge from Dr. Lee.
By June 20, you must submit your pitch-deck (in 10-12 slides) to introduce your technology and innovation and quick scan. (Please email to Dr.Valerie Hsu / tgn@taiwanglobalization.net)
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【Date & Time】Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 16:00-17:00TW (10:00-11:00 CET)
【Location】 Webinar, invite upon registration
【Moderator】 Dr. Valerie Hsu, Director, TGN & Tiger Accelerator
【Speaker】 Dr. Yichen Lee | Advisor, Tiger Growth Fund
【Agenda】 16:00-17:30TW (10:00-11:30 CET)
15:55-16:00TW Sign-in webinar
16:00-16:03TW Introduction by Dr. Valerie Hsu
16:03-17:25TW 'Get funded and get along with your international investors successfully' by Dr. Lee
17:25-17:30TW Q&A and exchange information
【Contact 】Vivian Wang / service@taiwanglobalization.net
Dr.Valerie Hsu / tgn@taiwanglobalization.net



Dr. Yichen Lee | Advisor, Tiger Growth Fund 李逸蓁 博士, 台荷成長基金顧問
曾任職 ForMed Ventures,美國Burill&Company VC全球生醫基金